Re: Solid Community Group Charter

Sarven, I recall that when this group was formed, we had two chairs
appointed through a collective process, via the mailing list. I see that
you are now the sole chair. Could you clarify when and how this transition
occurred? I've had away from Solid for a bit and would like to understand
the current dynamics. I suggest we first stabilize the Working Group, after
which the Community Group can adjust accordingly. Thank you.

čt 7. 9. 2023 v 21:02 odesílatel Sarven Capadisli <> napsal:

> Good news, everyone!
> We are happy to announce that the W3C Solid Community Group (CG) reached
> consensus and published the CG Charter, Version 1.0, effective 2023-09-01:
> The charter underwent a thorough and extensive review and received
> widespread support from CG participants.
> Thank you to everyone who contributed their time, knowledge, and passion
> to improve the charter through constructive discussions and collaboration.
> The CG charter defines the group's mission to explore and describe
> interoperability between various product classes, aligning with the
> goals of the Solid project. The group seeks to provide confidence to
> technical report authors and software implementers that the Solid
> ecosystem will uphold the promise of interoperability through open
> standards.
> The charter establishes the scope of work items, intentions for
> collaboration with other communities, participation and contribution
> guidelines, communication methods, decision-making policies, licensing,
> and outlines group processes for voting, chair (re-)elections, and
> charter amendments.
> As per W3C structures for groups and W3C Process, the CG will maintain
> its focus on technical reports, prototyping software, and testing
> implementations within the Scope of the charter, with the aim of
> advancing mature works to the W3C Recommendation track in a Working Group.
> The Solid community with various stakeholders comes together under the
> umbrella of the Solid Project, and thus the CG interacts and coordinates
> with the Project's organisation as a whole to help inform the work with
> the needs of the wider community.
> In the coming weeks, the CG will work on enhancing contributing
> guidelines, technical processes, and conducting group chair elections,
> among other tasks.
> As the old saying goes, 'standards are set by those who participate.' It
> is a privilege to have the opportunity to participate, so let's use it
> for the greater good.
> Let's make it so!
> -Sarven

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2023 15:58:54 UTC