Re: files or database for solid pods [Was: Towards Solid Lite]

On Tue, 31 Oct 2023, 20:33 Kingsley Idehen, <> wrote:

> I encourage you to think in terms of storage abstraction where DBMS
> (Tables or Graph based Relations) vs Filesystems are implementation details.
> Solid should be storage agnostic leaving such details to server
> implementers. As you can already see, whenever the discussion steps out of
> the appropriate abstraction layer -- confusion reigns supreme.
Agree, however being both storage agnostic and media type agnostic (RDF) is
a big set of requirements for a 'lite' anything.

Perhaps the benefits of being just a protocol, outweigh those of being

Perhaps such a solidy/readwrite-webby thing based on a strict subset of
json-ld (json with schema and uri support via id + properties via the
curies/schema) would be enough to simplify to something broadly
implementable, simple to specify, and still viewable as rdf.

Not to rewind the conversation by a decade or anything.

Best, Nathan

Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2023 22:13:33 UTC