Towards Solid Lite

I was wondering if it might be an idea to have a lite version of Solid

This might have several advantages

1. Currently we have a spec which has a high learning curve for
new developers.  It is better suited to a phd student than to the grass
roots.  A simple spec might have a positive impact on new developers and
maintain full upgrade capability to solid 1.0, when it is ready

2. There is a large amount of bureaucracy involved with the project.  So
much so that the new proposed chair process would hold 6 weeks of elections
even if there was only one candidate for chair.  The large bureaucracy
might well suit full time employees that are paid to work on solid, but
that comes at the cost of the grass roots that work on multiple projects or
that wish to contribute on evenings or at weekends

3. The main open source servers right now are a barrier to participation.
They are hard to run or debug.  Some are abusive, insulting and harassing
towards contributors in an unacceptable way, as we all saw recently.
Others lack transparency or momentum.  A lite spec could see easier servers
to be developed and deployed.

4. The current spec is so complex that it contains bugs in every
implementation so that solid no longer benefits from its main value
proposition, and that is interoperability.  It is hard to interoperate, to
use, and to debug.  A lite spec would be much easier to have a consistent
maintenance burden, and good user experience.

5. Solid 1.0 wont be ready until 2026 at the earliest.  That means that we
still dont know what the final version will look like, or even if there
will be more idea creep.  A lite spec could be used while waiting to find
out what 1.0 or even 2.0 would look like without a long wait.

6. Now that we have a test suite, it could also be used against a lite
spec, by taking an agreed-upon minimal subset of the tests.  Implementers
could see they are compliant and also see what other features would be

I have considered that this would be needed for a long time.  It might be a
good time to examine the idea as we have a WG charter and can have a better
idea of what the full version of solid looks like, and therefore, can guess
what a useful subset can be.

What do folks think about a simple lite subset of solid, with a streamlined
process, set of test, developer on ramp, lighter process and useful eco
system with full upgrade to 1.0 when it is there, via adding additional
tests, from the test suite.

Received on Saturday, 28 October 2023 13:34:34 UTC