Re: Forming a W3C Solid Work Group

Peace Michiel,
It's a pleasure to share this time and space with you  πŸ™Œ
I'm a member of the Element group. I'll trawl the conversation to get some
context.  πŸ’ͺ <>

Thank you for the heads up.
I appreciate you.

- James Doe

On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 5:47 AM Michiel de Jong <>

> Hi James,
> That's awesome! Welcome to the project! :)
> Yes, you can join
> and we will help you on your way and discuss the rest of the details from
> there.
> Cheers,
> Michiel de Jong
> Contributor
> The Solid Project
> On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 at 04:12, James Doe <> wrote:
>> Hello to the Beautiful People,
>> I think I might like to become the 7th actively-maintained server-side
>> implementation of Solid spec.
>> Is there a resource I can access where I can touch base directly with one
>> or more of the projects that have successfully passed the test suites?
>> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>> - James Doe
>> πŸŒπŸš€πŸŒš
>> On Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 3:31 PM Melvin Carvalho <>
>> wrote:
>>> čt 3. 11. 2022 v 14:24 odesílatel Tim Berners-Lee <> napsal:
>>>> Solid is  a movement, growing every day with exciting new deployments
>>>> going live around the world. It is the vital piece of the third layer of
>>>> the web, something that was missing in 1989 but that we now have.
>>>> The work of the Solid project has to date been done officially by a W3C
>>>> Solid Community Group. <>  Within
>>>> this structure of the community group, we have made a substructure of
>>>> panels, which operated quite like parts of W3C working groups, and we have
>>>> made our own form of  Editors Drafts which are quite like W3C’s normal Working
>>>> Drafts. Now we made a lot of progress, the time is probably overdue to
>>>> create a W3C Working Group <> - a more
>>>> substantial entity and a more powerful tool - to do this work.
>>>> When we began work on the Solid project, it was a grassroots movement
>>>> incubated and supported by MIT. Over time, a developer and research
>>>> community formed around the Solid project. So many exemplary, diligent, and
>>>> generous community members rallied around the project that, in 2018 we
>>>> decided to take the official step of forming a W3C Community Group
>>>> <>. The Solid Community Group has
>>>> enabled the Solid community at large to socialize its ideas for the Web
>>>> within the W3C. The impact of their efforts has increased awareness of the
>>>> project as well as increased the diversity and number of contributors.
>>>> The main product of this has been the Solid Protocol spec
>>>> <>, along with its test suites.
>>>> Version 0.9 of the protocol was released last December. At the time of this
>>>> writing, there are 6 server-side implementations of this protocol that
>>>> interoperate and are actively maintained.  So it is in a good place, but it
>>>> needs work to increase the quality of the spec, increase test coverage,
>>>> and resolve final issues.  It needs the work of prioritizing and working
>>>> though the issues before version 1.0 is declared, and after to future
>>>> versions and/or levels.
>>>> Four years later, the Solid project continues to make significant
>>>> progress. Solid is being adopted by governments, enterprises, and
>>>> developers all around the world. It is being used for mission critical
>>>> applications and to manage highly sensitive data. As we enter this
>>>> formative period in the life of the Solid project, it is paramount that we
>>>> redouble our efforts on the Solid specification in order for the standard
>>>> to mature and grow sustainably.
>>>> With that in mind, I believe that we are now at a stage where moving
>>>> the work  from the W3C Community Group to a W3C Working Group is
>>>> appropriate and necessary.   To do that, the Community Group typically
>>>> draws up a charter for the proposed WG.
>>>> Some of  the benefits include the specs being available in
>>>> <> rather than just,
>>>> review by a wider community, including for example the TAG
>>>> <>,  and the W3C Royalty Free patent policy
>>>> <> applying more
>>>> directly.
>>>> This milestone symbolizes the next step in the evolution of the Solid
>>>> project and is appropriate given the continual increase in adoption of the
>>>> Solid Protocol and growth of the ecosystem around it.
>>>> Solid is more than just a protocol, a concept, or a technology. It is a
>>>> movement that allows collaboration, communication and commerce to evolve
>>>> toward the original intent of the web. Solid is the course correction we
>>>> need, a critical next step to enjoy a better web for all. Finalizing the
>>>> Solid standards will help to make these goals a reality across the globe.
>>> +1 to a WG
>>> Let me add a bit to this
>>> I actually started the W3C Community Group, for the reason of providing
>>> a mailing list and threaded conversations, I did run it past TimBL before
>>> doing so
>>> Tim (inrput) and others didnt actually join for a while, and the group
>>> appointed two chairs
>>> The CG took its own direction after that, and has produced the output
>>> above
>>> I think it's a good idea to transfer some of these items to a more
>>> rigorous WG, with a more rigorous process, which normally would have
>>> charters, regular attended meetings (or send regrets), and face to face
>>> meetings
>>> The community group can, IMHO, still be an area for slightly more casual
>>> work items, and continue in a self organizing way
>>> I like the idea of two work streams, I think it's been needed for a while
>>> Thanks for all the work that's been done here to date, and for creating
>>> a new entity
>>>> KUTGW
>>>> Tim Berners-Lee

Received on Monday, 20 March 2023 13:15:37 UTC