Re: Detailed response to Ruben's blog

> On 17. Jan 2023, at 15:54, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:
> As per my comment above, tools need to understand the importance of unambiguous identity, identity authenticity, access controls, and reasoning informed by relations semantics.
> I've always seen Solid as an effort to simplify loose-coupling of the following items for app developers:
> 1. Identity -- via identifiers constructed using Linked Data principles
> 2. Identification -- credentials (or profile) documents comprising relations where subject and objects are denoted by identifiers (constructed using Linked Data Principles)
> 3. Authentication -- various protocols for verifying credentials
> 4. Authorization -- access controls informed by reasoning and inference applied to identity principals, groups, and resources
> 5. Storage -- Filesytem or DBMS modalities
> IMHO, these issues shouldn't be contentious circa 2023.

yes, I agree. 
Ruben’s argument in [1] is therefore very strange. 
It is even more strange since his thesis 
"Serendipitous web applications through semantic hypermedia” [2]

has the folowing statement on the second page

"Furthermore, the hypermedia constraint demands that hypermedia 
drives the interaction: clients should follow links and forms rather 
than engage in a preprogrammed interaction pattern.”

I think this thought must have struck TimBL as he wrote ”The author
suggests that” in his response, before it dissapeared.

Perhaps Ruben did not write this blog post, but left it to one of 
his students to do that? Perhaps he is still on holiday? 
One should not completely discard those possibilities.


[1] Let’s Talk about Pods

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 16:01:35 UTC