Todays Calls

Hi W3C Solid Community Group , 

Today let’s try something new. Many of the panel conversations are interrelated so perhaps it helps to have them sequentially so you can drop by other meetings and ask questions directly. 

The Panel meetings will be today at: 
1500 CET Test Suite (moderated by @kjetilk)
1600 CET Authentication (moderated by @jaxoncreed)
1800 CET Authorisation (moderated by @justinwb) 
1900 CET Data Interoperability (moderated by @justinwb) 
2130 Editors @moderated by @csarven) 
All meetings with be on Alternatively, you can find your local number to dial in with meeting ID 956 020 404. 


Received on Monday, 25 November 2019 09:49:50 UTC