- From: Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:31:51 +1000
- To: public-solid <public-solid@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAM1Sok3AY6f7q0vC8jADR4i6vPaE4=ek45EY0zc2roU4WhOb6Q@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Solid, I'm working on a solid implementation that'll integrate holochain. I've shared a party with the holochain folk and am satisfied its a viable opportunity to uplift my work, whilst noting my hope that this view may be shared with others. Thereafter, i've been asked about 'identity' for the call that's happening soon. I'm also considerate of the co-creation process to create a set of 'solid interoperability' standards. IMHO - the 'human identity' framework for a 'human centric' web - integrally involves the role of what TimBL i believe noted as the 'intelligent agent' component, and how it is that this functional agent - is made able to function - as to sort AI as a prosthetic extension to self (as human); whilst noting, this in-turn requires many components to work, that for whatever reason - hasn't been made by existing major web-tenants in a manner, i would say, is 'dignity enhancing' agency - human centric design. I also believe many of those who work for such web tenants - would like to be made able to make different choices. so, that's in-turn - part of the agency problem. any 'solid based' solution - - IMHO - requires a couple things such as; - decentralised discovery of 'commons' structured data - micropayments therein - i formed an opinion a while back that i think holochain is worth a look, and am pursuing that path now. I am interested in collaboration and am firstly working on a solution that improves the means for those dedicated to these tasks, to work in a manner that is better socioeconomically (inc. safety implications); noting, old, quick-link: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1oUsSlPEh8erOdkQJCLzFHBaqp7AYOJCqDw82YrCg9f4/edit?usp=sharing something built more recently; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UK9eWFjQRbGtF7wAMBNyntT7kZNpvSIe5cSY_VAuE0Q/edit?usp=sharing Herein; there's some challenges with respect to JSON/GraphQL vs. RDF/Sparql, amongst others - we made enormous progress over the weekend - if interested, ping me. Timo.
Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 08:32:58 UTC