Re: Requesting an accessibility review for ActivityPub

Christopher Allan Webber writes:

> Hello,
> ActivityPub is aiming to enter Candidate Recommendation by the 11th, and
> we'd like to request a review for any potential accessibility issues.
> ActivityPub is a client to server (eg mobile applications, desktop
> applications, etc) and server to server (federation) standard for
> propagating social network activity through the web.
> In sum, ActivityPub uses ActivityStreams 2.0 as its vocabulary and
> serialization mechanism (via json-ld), and primarily defines a mechanism
> for discovering and submitting activities to endpoints, as well as
> expected side effects for various activity types.

And I once again forgot the link to the editor's draft.  Apologies!

You can find it here:

> Any and all feedback is welcome.  Thank you!
>  - Christopher Allan Webber,
>    on behalf of ActivityPub and the Social WG

Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2016 13:30:01 UTC