🔔 Linked Data Notifications: Call for feedback and implementations

Hi all,

We're working on standardising a mechanism for discovering and 
delivering notifications where the notification contents are in RDF. We 
call it *Linked Data Notifications* (LDN) [1]. Catchy!

Notifications can be about anything: a personal message from a friend; a 
pingback link; a comment on a blog post; a pointer to an annotation, an 
invitation to collaborate; a calendar reminder, a changelog.

The spec is currently on the Rec-track in the W3C Social Web Working 
Group, and we hope to take it to Candidate Recommendation at #TPAC2016. 
We would benefit greatly from your review, if you are interested in such 
a mechanism, and even better implementations of some part of the spec. 
It can be a sender or consumer applications or a receiver (a server).

We wrote the spec around what already works in LDP, so if you have an 
LDP server it already works as a receiver (just fill out an 
implementation report). To advertise an Inbox where a resource can 
receive notifications, all you have to do is e.g.:

<http://example.org/foo> ldp:inbox <http://example.net/inbox/> .

We'd love to hear from you if you're interested in trying out any part 
of this, either personally or as part of a project. We'd also love for 
you to fill in a receiver implementation report if you were involved 
with an existing LDP implementation.

Issues are welcome on Github [2] and questions and comments on Gitter 
[3], IRC [4] or the WG mailing list [5].

[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/
[2] https://github.com/csarven/ldn/issues
[3] https://gitter.im/csarven/ldn
[4] http://irc.w3.org/?channels=social
[5] public-socialweb@w3.org


Received on Sunday, 18 September 2016 13:08:05 UTC