Activity Streams 2, CR TransReq from Social Web WG

Live version at
See also
Transition Meeting for both scheduled for 6 July.

      Document title, URIs, and estimated publication date

  * "Activity Streams 2.0", and "Activity Vocabulary"
  * Latest Published: and
  * Editor's Draft: and
  * Staged Draft: Not yet staged
  * Publication Date: 2016-07-07 or 2016-07-12

      The document Abstract and Status sections


  * Core: This specification details a model for representing potential
    and completed activities using the JSON format.

  * Vocab: This specification describes the Activity vocabulary.


  * Standard Respec

      Decision to request transition

  * /RESOLVED: Take current WDs of AS2, with edits agreed in this telcon
    to CR/


See and

      Requirements satisfied

No formal requirements. Charter says:

    The Working Group, in conjunction with Social Interest Group, will
    determine the use cases that derive the requirements for the
    deliverables. Features that are not implemented due to time
    constraints can be put in a non-normative "roadmap" document for
    future work. The scope will include:

    A transfer syntax for social data such as activities (such as status
    updates) should include at least the ability to describe the data
    using URIs in an extensible manner, time-stamping, and should
    include a serialization compatible with Javascript (JSON) and
    possibly JSON-LD. Formats based on XML or other data serializations
    are out-of-scope.

The group produced:

  * several type of analyses
  * a large enumeration of user stories
  * requirements for WG deliverables

      Dependencies met (or not)

Normative References are all W3C Rec or RFC.

Charter Dependencies appear not relevant, except horizontal review which 
is in progress.

      Wide Review

200+ issues on github 

Tally of who raised issues (including pull requests), with a count of 
issues followed by github username:

  * In WG: 85 jasnell 57 evanp 49 elf-pavlik 11 dissolve 9 csarven 8
    tantek 8 rhiaro 8 azaroth42 7 cwebber 6 dmitrizagidulin 6 aaronpk 5
    kevinmarks 5 gobengo 4 akuckartz 2 sandhawke 1 xray7224 1
    melvincarvalho 1 karlitschek 1 BigBlueHat 2 natalieesk 8 rpeinl

  * In WG at some point: 9 dret 5 oshepherd 1 bblfish

  * Never in WG: 3 sgoendoer 3 muratseyhan 3 MerelyAPseudonym 3 annando
    2 lanthaler 2 alexanderkjeldaas 1 wirehead 1 tommorris 1 stevenroose
    1 smarts 1 msporny 1 kleiinnn 1 harlantwood 1 abigdreamer

      Issues addressed

See issue tags and history

      Formal Objections



Being gathered at

      Patent disclosures

None <>

Received on Wednesday, 29 June 2016 01:26:48 UTC