Re: Reviewing Social Web Specs

Hi Virginie, thanks for the link to the questionnaire.   We'll take a look.

Can you help me understand how we should move forward, given, as you 
say, "low activity"?   Does that mean we shouldn't wait for a review?

Perhaps our best option is to use the questionnaire and come to you for 
advice if any specific issues arise, but otherwise proceed?


        -- Sandro

On 06/27/2016 11:29 AM, GALINDO Virginie wrote:
> Sandro,
> The web security IG wish to be able to perform the security review, 
> but we have a low activity at the moment.
> Note that there is a security and privacy questionnaire that may help 
> you to raise appropriate questions and include warning about sensitive 
> assets in your specification.
> The questionnaire is located here : 
> Regards,
> Virginie
> *From:*Sandro Hawke []
> *Sent:* vendredi 24 juin 2016 21:46
> *To:* GALINDO Virginie <>; "Wendy Seltzer, 
> Staff Contact, Web Security IG", <>
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Reviewing Social Web Specs
> I'm writing on behalf of the Social Web WG.  Some of our specs are now 
> stable, and if we would value a review from your group at your 
> earliest convenience.  While our primary use cases are often framed in 
> terms of social media and blogging, the technologies may be broadly 
> applicable.
> So far we have three specs in or near CR:
>     * *Webmention* lets you tell a website you're linking to it.  This
>     supports ad hoc federation of sites
>     * *Activity Streams* (2.0) is a standard (and extensible) way to
>     share a stream of what people do online (eg, "liking", posting a
>     photo, etc)
>     * *Micropub* provides a standard Web API to create and control
>     posts on your own website
> Additionally:
>     * *Social Web Protocols*: provides an overview, including an
>     explanation for how the parts fit (and sometimes do not fit)
>     together.  This document does not currently have any normative
>     content.
> There are other documents not yet ready for horizontal review.  You'll 
> see them linked from Social Web Protocols, and we'll send another 
> email when they're in or near CR.
> Note that the group is producing multiple stacks which are not 
> entirely compatible, reflecting the fragmentation in this space. 
> Basically, we decided having multiple competing specs, while not an 
> ideal situation, would still be a step forward.
> If you think your group will be doing a review, please reply-all and 
> let us know your timeframe.  We'd very much appreciate the actual 
> review comments being raised as issues on the repo for each particular 
> spec (linked in the title section), and then a high-level email or 
> summary issue stating when the review is complete.
> Please feel free to share this call-for-review with anyone likely to 
> be interested.
> Thank you!
>    -- Sandro Hawke, Staff Contact, W3C Social Web Working Group
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Received on Monday, 27 June 2016 16:01:58 UTC