prerequisites to the social API

I've been thinking a lot about the pre requisites for the social api [1].
The charter says:

"a client-side API that lets developers embed and format third party
information such as social status updates inside Web applications."

Having now attempted to implement a few of the user stories, it's become
clear that all of the user stories have underlying assumptions based on a
social graph.  It's not 100% clear what those prerequisites are, so I've
started to try and capture that element.

That social graph is sometimes one way (following) or two way (friending)
but must also could be looser connections such as co workers in an
enterprise, or trusted connections for family sharing and collaboration.  I
think this type of connection should be left open ended rather than
dictating that two way following is the same as friending etc.  It seems to
me that each system has it's own way of doing things, but that there is
always an element of an social graph, one way or another.

Would be interested to see if others have a point of view on this.


Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 11:32:09 UTC