Re: re-chartering -- make sure your org replies!

On 09/01/2015 03:20 PM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> We have one more week for AC review of the modified license.   If your 
> organization hasn't replied yet, please try to make sure it does.

And if you don't know who your AC rep is, and don't have read access to , email me.

None of this applies to Invited Experts.

        -- Sandro

> One concern: on the question of whether your organization intends to 
> implement the specs produced, very very few organizations have said yes.
> So if you're a W3C member planning to implement this stuff, it's 
> particularly important you reply -- otherwise W3C management gets the 
> impression no one cares about what this group is doing.   Feel free to 
> contact folks you know in the group who might not be reading this email.
> You AC rep goes here: 
>        -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2015 19:35:32 UTC