Re: Getting the group back on track

On 2015-10-12 10:28 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> I dont think taking yet another JSON serialization to REC is a good 
> idea, when we already have a JSON REC (JSON LD) which is to all 
> intents and purposes identical.  I am wondering if there will be some 
> formal objection down the line.
Have you reviewed AS 2.0? It's explicitly compatible with JSON-LD, as a 
design goal. It's more or less a vocabulary on top of JSON-LD.
> IMHO.  I cant fathom why you'd want a new mime type, other than NIH.  
> Decisions such at this slows the group down,
It's an interesting question. I think one important reason is to 
disambiguate between the incompatible AS1 and AS2 versions. There's a 
looooong discussion here:


Received on Monday, 12 October 2015 20:50:27 UTC