Re: Social Web WG agenda for 3 November 2015

On 2 November 2015 at 21:18, Arnaud Le Hors <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I finalized the agenda for tomorrow.
> We have many different proposals related to AS 2.0. To try and streamline
> their disposition I regrouped a bunch that James supports. I propose to
> approve them in bulk.
> If anyone has any concerns over any of the proposals in the bunch we will
> take those out of the bunch and proceed with the remainder. When we are
> done with that, we can discuss the rest one by one.
> I've used this approach before in other WGs and found that it helps
> expedite the process of identifying and closing the non-controversial
> issues.

Thanks Arnaud.  Would be great to bulk close a number of issues.

Regarding issue #52 here is the wiki page on it

> --
> Arnaud  Le Hors - Senior Technical Staff Member, Open Web Technologies -
> IBM Software Group

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 03:01:01 UTC