Re: Social data /syntax/ vs Social data /vocabulary/

On 09/21/2014 09:03 PM, wrote:
> The point is that now we have JSON-LD the syntax for JSON has allready been agreed upon and is widely adopted.
> All that remains to be agreed upon is the vocabulary for the use cases we want to solve. Then the work is done. 
> There is not an additional job to determine the syntax.
> This removes a huge burden on development of a convention, which is great, because there is a lot to do.

I would like to add that while I <3 JSON (and JSON-LD) I see no reason
to prevent others in a future from leveraging capacities of other RDF
serializations. For example Ruben Verborgh does some IMO very nifty
streaming APIs[1] where Turtle to my understanding comes more useful.
Once again while I would prefer to keep turtle serialization away from
our conversations, I see no reason to *burn bridges* in our architecture
to prevent broader web community to take advantage of technologies we
decide to put outside of the scope for this working group!


Received on Sunday, 21 September 2014 20:31:35 UTC