Re: Use cases

Hi Evan,

On 09/20/2014 06:25 PM, Evan Prodromou wrote:
> Second, because it will set our schedule back for literally months.
> Constructing a use-case document with the hundreds of use cases for
> social data and APIs is a massive effort. I'd probably put the work at
> 2-4 months, maybe 6 months. I think if we push our schedule well into
> 2015, and our only output is a use-case document, we'll lose our momentum.
How about starting with ONE *real life* use case? I see no reason to
pile up hundreds of them but at the same time having NO USE CASE at all
doesn't sound practical to me.

Maybe looking at *one common basic* functionality provided by
and platforms supporting WebMention could come handy? You and Tantek
both act as chairs of this group but currently technologies you work on
don't inter-operate :(

Does it sounds reasonable?

Received on Saturday, 20 September 2014 17:32:29 UTC