Collections - comparing Hydra, LDP, AS2.0,

\o Aloha

During our meeting a week ago we touched topic of *Collection*. Sandro
commented that: "LDP containers *can* impact your vocabulary desing"

I've added scenario to comparison page, in *selfdogfood* spirit:

Represent list of W3C Social Web WG members as distinct resource with
possibility of paging it.

I also drafted first version of how I understand Hydra does it. I hope
that Markus or someone else from Hydra CG can review it!

I'll try to see if currently discussed on public-vocabs schema:ItemList
can do something useful here. I still need to wrap my head around
lpd:DirectContainer, and figure out if as:Collection has way capture
such relationships. Any help, especially edits to wiki page + comments
on that thread, warmly welcomed :)

Mahalo o/

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 23:26:58 UTC