Social syntax requirements and candidates

One thing we need to do as the days progress towards TPAC is narrow down 
our spotlight for social data syntax candidates.

We've got a list of somewhat fuzzy requirements here:

The document has been edited by a few people but it would help a lot if 
others in this group would review and add items, revise, or comment.

Secondly, we have a loose list of potential candidate formats already 

Some of these won't meet even our basic requirements (a royalty-free 
license), but I'd like to at least catalog them as having been 
considered and dismissed.

One option not on that list is "a bespoke format created specifically 
for this use". It hasn't come up as an option, but we may want to 
consider it before dismissing.

At some point in the next week or so I'd like us to narrow this list 
down to "real" candidates. Right now, my list would include 
and AS 2.0.


Received on Monday, 8 September 2014 19:46:04 UTC