Re: **PROPOSED** AS2 spec update

On 11/07/2014 03:41 AM, James M Snell wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Markus Lanthaler
> <> wrote:
> [snip]
>> OK... I think I now understand the reasoning behind this. I find as:Link even more confusing now. Why model this more explicitly to make it easier to understand what information is expressed.
>>         "image": {
>>           "@type": "as:MediaObject",
>>           "mediaType": "image/jpeg",
>>           "width": 250,
>>           "height": 250,
>>           "contentUrl": "",
>>         }
> [snip]
> I honestly don't see how this is better. All you've done is change one
> name from as:Link to as:MediaObject and another name from "href" to
> "contentUrl". That doesn't seem better to me. (Perhaps we should name
> it as:BikeShed ;-)...)

I don't see it as bike shedding. IMO as:Link causes tons of confusion,
especially when I try to use it together with hydra:Link
(rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Property).

But to stay focus on needs related to MediaObject: also uses

I think we need to write examples for few more *concrete use cases*,
with social object one can comment on and their associated multiple
media object with different width/height and encoding. For example:

  "@context": [
    { "schema": "" }
  "@type": "schema:VideoObject",
  "@id": "",
  "contentUrl": "",
  "potentialAction": ["ReactAction", "CommentAction"],
  "schema:thumbnail": [
      "@type": "schema:ImageObject",
      "schema:contentUrl": "",
      "schema:contentEncoding": "jpeg",
      "schema:width": 960,
      "schema:height": 540
      "@type": "schema:ImageObject",
      "schema:contentUrl": "",
      "schema:contentEncoding": "jpeg",
      "schema:width": 1200,
      "schema:height": 720

We still don't have clear way to provide information about multiple
encodings available. This could offer one of possible ways to do it:

  "@context": [
    { "schema": "" }
  "@type": "schema:Clip",
  "@id": "",
  "potentialAction": ["ReactAction", "CommentAction"],
  "schema:thumbnail": [
      "@type": "schema:ImageObject",
      "schema:contentUrl": "",
      "schema:encodingFormat": "jpeg",
      "schema:width": 960,
      "schema:height": 540
      "@type": "schema:ImageObject",
      "schema:contentUrl": "",
      "schema:contentEncoding": "jpeg",
      "schema:width": 1200,
      "schema:height": 720
  "schema:encoding": [
      "@type": "VideoObject",
      "schema:contentUrl": ""
      "schema:contentEncoding": "mp4"
      "schema:duration": "PT1M50S"
      "@type": "VideoObject",
      "schema:contentUrl": ""
      "schema:contentEncoding": "ogv"
      "schema:duration": "PT1M50S"

Having such distinction between CreativeWork and MediaObject encoding
it, we could directly use @id instead of schema:contentUrl which again
gives us blank nodes for resources which do have obvious identifiers.

Received on Friday, 7 November 2014 13:08:36 UTC