Re: Social networking block diagram activity moves to the Social Business Community Group


We have a whitepaper in development, and we've started a review on the
first 2 use cases brought forward by group members. I expect more in the
queue shortly. The first two use cases point to requirements  re: activity
streams, so we've so we've started discussions with the
group re: potential additions in future versions of their specifications.
W3C is also planning a social workshop for later in the year that we plan
to participate in.

Your company is welcome to join us - no fees :)
 Rich Rogers, CPHIMS                                
 Software Standards                                 
 IBM Software Group                                 
 Research Triangle Park, NC, USA                    
 Phone: +1 919-543-8040                                                      
 Skype: rich_rogers                                 
 "It's all about the people."                       
 ”Make it happen.”                                  

| From:      |
  |Hakan KIRKAN <>                                                                                                                 |
| To:        |
  |                                                                                                                           |
| Date:      |
  |06/20/2012 12:40 AM                                                                                                                               |
| Subject:   |
  |Social networking block diagram activity moves to the Social Business  Community Group                                                            |

I was navigating the group messages and found this group pretty attractive.
I would like to know more about your work.
Is there any outcome of the following mission that I can see.

"The mission of the Social Business Community Group is to gather practical,
business oriented, use cases
focused on high value transactions to influence and improve existing social
standards in order to foster
the growth and adoption of social standards in enterprise solutions.'


Dominor LLC / Miami
Application Development

tel: 305.6540419

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2012 11:33:51 UTC