About the OMA Social Network Web standard.

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Dear Social Web WG members,


I'm Paul Jeong from HTML5 Technology Forum in Korea and I'm also a
member of OMA SNeW WG

(especially editor of SNeW in Gaming white paper)


I want to kindly inform about the OMA Social Network Web Standard,
SNeW(Social Network Web) 10 and SNeW 11

I already saw the OMA SNeW standard mentioned in the charter


Now, SNeW 10 was released and SNeW 11 is candidate Draft in OMA and I think
SNeW 11 may be released at the end of this year or at the beginning of next


You can see the SNeW 10 in the below URL :



SNeW 11 also includes 3 white papers:

1 SNeW in Gaming - for applying SNeW  In Game

2 Social Web of Things

3 Loyalty and Payments in SNeW


To make better standard for Social Web in W3C, please refer the OMA SNeW

I will also inform more about the SNeW 11 progress afterward


Best regards,


Received on Friday, 31 October 2014 00:11:22 UTC