DART 2015 Last Call for papers

*9th International Workshop on*

*Information Filtering and Retrieval*

*DART 2015*

Workshop of IC3K - KDIR 2015

7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery and 
Information Retrieval

    Lisbon, 12November 2015


Nowadays we are living an Information revolution. With the increasing 
availability of data, the analysis of different kinds of data is 
inevitable. It becomes more important to have automatic methods to 
manage data and retrieve information. Data processing is changing users 
behaviors. A Social Media can be considered a regular source of data 
that touches many aspects of society, including politics and economy. 
Users are ever more interested in information rather than in mere raw 
data. Considering that the large amount of accessible data sources is 
growing, novel systems providing effective means of searching and 
retrieving information are required. Therefore the fundamental goal is 
making information exploitable by humans and machines.

DART 2015 intends to provide a more interactive and focused platform for 
researchers and practitioners for presenting and discussing new and 
emerging ideas. It is focused on researching and studying new challenges 
in intelligent information filtering and retrieval. In particular, DART 
aims to investigate novel systems and tools to web scenarios and 
semantic computing. In so doing, DART will contribute to discuss and 
compare suitable novel solutions based on intelligent techniques and 
applied in real-world applications.

Information Retrieval attempts to address similar filtering and ranking 
problems for pieces of information such as links, pages, and documents. 
Information Retrieval systems generally focus on the development of 
global retrieval techniques, often neglecting individual user needs and 

Information Filtering has drastically changed the way information 
seekers find what they are searching for. In fact, they effectively 
prune large information spaces and help users in selecting items that 
best meet their needs, interests, preferences, and tastes. These systems 
rely strongly on the use of various machine learning tools and 
algorithms for learning how to rank items and predict user evaluation.


Papers should be 8 pages long, including references, tables, graphs, 
images and appendices. Submissions with less than 4 pages or more than 
13 pages will be automatically rejected.


After a double-blind peer review, qualifying papers may be accepted as 
either Full Papers or Short Papers.


Papers classified as Full Papers are awarded a 30’ minutes slot for an 
oral presentation at the conference. Papers classified as Short Papers 
are given either a 20’ minutes slot for an oral presentation or assigned 
to present at a Poster Session. Authors who have been assigned an oral 
presentation, either Full or Short, may however also choose to present 
at a Poster Session instead, should they prefer it.

*PUBBLICATION* Papers classified as Full Papers will be assigned a 
12-page limit in the Conference Proceedings, while Papers classified as 
Short Papers have an 8-page limit. The total number of pages to consider 
is the number obtained after the paper has been correctly formatted 
according to the appropriate template. The Conference Proceedings will 
be published under an ISBN number by SCITEPRESS and include final 
versions of all accepted papers, adjusted to satisfy reviewers’ 
recommendations. They will be obtainable on paper and CD-ROM support, 
and made available for online consultation at the SCITEPRESS Digital 
Library. Online publication is exclusive to papers which have been both 
published and presented at the event.

Submitting a paper to the workshop means that, if the paper is accepted, 
at least one author should attend the conference to present the paper 
and should then register to the conference with a workshop fee.

*INDEXATION* The proceedings will be submitted to Thomson Reuters 
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier 
Index) and Scopus for indexation.


Topics of interest will include (but not are limited to):

- Web Information Filtering and Retrieval

- Web Personalization and Recommendation

- Web Advertising

- Web Agents

- Web of Data

- Semantic Web

- Open Data

- Linked Data

- Semantics and Ontology Engineering

- Search for Social Networks and Social Media

- Natural Language and Information Retrieval in the Social Web

- Real-time Search

- Text categorization

- IoT


All authors will be asked to submit a refined version of their 
contribution for publication in the series Studies in Computational 
Intelligence published by Springer Verlag (Series Ed.: Kacprzyk, Janusz, 


Submission deadline: July 14, 2015

Notification of acceptance: September 16, 2015

Final Paper Submission and Registration: September 25, 2015

Workshop day: November 12, 2015


Cristian Lai

CRS4, Center of Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia

Pula, Cagliari – Italy

email: clai [at] crs4 [dot] it

web: http://www.crs4.it/crs4/peopledetails/people/71/Cristian_Lai

Giovanni Semeraro

Dept. of Computer Science

University of Bari, Aldo Moro

Bari – Italy

email: semeraro [at] di [dot] uniba [dot] it

web: http://www.di.uniba.it/~swap/index.php?n=Membri.Semeraro

Google Scholar Profile: 

Alessandro Giuliani

DIEE, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

University of Cagliari

Cagliari - Italy

email: alessandro [dot] giuliani [at] diee [dot] unica [dot] it

web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alessandro_Giuliani3/


Fedelucio Narducci

Dept. of Computer Science University of Bari, Aldo Moro Bari – Italy 
email: fedelucio [dot] narducci [at] uniba [dot] it

*PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be defined)*

Pierpaolo Basile - University of Bari, Italy

Marie-Helene Abel – University of Compiègne, France

Giambattista Amati - Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy

Liliana Ardissono - University of Turin, Italy

Giuliano Armano - University of Cagliari - Italy

Agnese Augello - ICAR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy

Roberto Basili - University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

Federico Bergenti – University of Parma, Italy

Ludovico Boratto – University of Cagliari, Italy

Annalina Caputo - University of Bari, Italy

Pierluigi Casale - TU Eindhoven, Netherlands

Marco De Gemmis - University of Bari, italy

Emanuele Di Buccio - University of Padua, Italy

Juan Manuel Fernández - BDigital Technological Center, Spain

Leo Iaquinta - University of Bari, Italy

Jose Antonio Iglesias - Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain

Maurizio Montagnuolo – RAI, Centre for Research and Technological 
Innovation, Italy

Claude Moulin - University of Compiègne, France

Vincenzo Pallotta - University of Business and International Studies, 
Geneva, Switzerland

Marcin Paprzycki - IBS PAN and WSM, Poland

Agostino Poggi - University of Parma, Italy

Sebastian Rodriguez - Advanced Technologies Research Center of Tucuman, 

Paolo Rosso - Technical University of Valencia, Spain

Emanuele Tamponi - University of Cagliari, Italy

Eloisa Vargiu - Barcelona Digital Technology Center, Spain

Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 11:47:09 UTC