Semantic Web Journal special issue on The Personal and Social Semantic Web, Last CfP

Call for Papers

Semantic Web Journal 
Special Issue on 
        The Personal and Social Semantic Web 

Social Web sites, such as Facebook, YouTube, Delicious, Flickr and 
Wikipedia, and numerous other Web applications, such as Google and 
Amazon, rely on implicitly or explicitly collected data about their 
users and their activities to provide personalized content and services. 
As these applications become more and more connected on the Semantic 
Web, a major challenge is to allow various applications to exchange, 
reuse, and integrate user data from different sources. Such 
data comes in different flavors: user data such as user profiles, 
social networking/tagging/blogging data, etc. as well as usage data 
like clickthrough data or query logs. The amount of people's data 
available on the Web is tremendously growing so that sharing and mining 
these heterogeneous data corpora distributed on the Web is a 
non-trivial problem that poses several challenges to the Semantic Web 

Semantic interoperability between Social Web applications is becoming 
increasingly important as users leave a plethora of traces at diverse 
services on the Web. Semantic Web and Social Web technologies and 
paradigms provide means to facilitate integration of user and usage 
data, for example, with the principles of Linked Data and Microformats,
vocabulary standards such as FOAF and SIOC, standardized APIs such as 
OpenSocial, or support for schema matching as provided by the Silk 
framework. Further, mechanisms like WebID, OpenId, OAuth and FOAF+SSL 
allow for identification and authorization on the Social Web. Hence, 
the time is right to exploit and improve such technologies for 
connecting user and usage data traces on the Social Semantic Web.

Linking distributed traces of user data provides new possibilities for 
inferring and modeling user preferences and personalizing Web systems to 
individual needs. Novel models, techniques, frameworks and systems have to 
be developed to leverage Social Web semantics. While linkage of user and 
usage data promises advantages for recommendation and personalization, it 
also raises questions related to provenance, trust and privacy: how does 
one know that the data gathered from several sources can be trusted, and 
how can one avoid that sensitive personal data is disclosed to certain 
services or used to infer and expose sensitive information? Trust and 
privacy, and associated policies, may therefore impact mining and 
reasoning on the people's data. 

This special issue presents latest research developments on user data in 
the Social Semantic Web from both angles: (1) techniques and applications 
for linking, reusing and mining user and usage data and exploiting such 
data to personalize Social Web experiences, as well as (2) trust and 
privacy techniques and their impact on society. In particular, we seek for 
contributions addressing the following topics.

+ People's Data on the Personal and Social Semantic Web:
   - Analyses of user data and usage logs distributed on the Web
   - Capturing the semantics of user interactions
   - Inferring semantics from user data and usage logs
   - Linkage, aggregation and integration of distributed user/usage data
   - Linked Open Data in the Personal and Social Web
   - Representing and enriching user and usage data 
   - Authorization and access control mechanisms for user/usage data
   - Methods, techniques and formats for trust-enabled sharing user and 
     usage data (with provenance awareness)
   - Data collections and services for Personal and Social Semantic Web
+ Applications that leverage People's Data on the Personal and Social 
  Semantic Web:
   - Personalization and adaptation of Social Semantic Web applications
   - Recommender systems and personalized search on the Social Semantic Web
   - Personalization and adaptation approaches that benefit from analysis 
     of social data
   - Mining user data streams and mining heterogeneous data sources
   - Intelligent and adaptive user interfaces for user/usage data
   - Interoperability of applications, data sources and services    
   - Semantic techniques for trust and privacy in social networks
   - Supporting awareness for user/usage data distributed on the Web
   - Scalability and robustness of Social Semantic Web systems

High-quality papers containing original research results on the above and 
related topics are solicited. Extended versions of papers previously 
published in conferences and workshops are also welcome, given that they 
are substantially expanded and improved. Authors should submit a manuscript
(in IOS Press format) through the Semantic Web Journal on-line system, 
following the guidelines available at: 
Please mention the title of this special issue in the submission. All 
submissions will undergo an open review process, according to the 
standards of the Semantic Web Journal:

Important Dates
Submission deadline:    01 July 2011
Notifications:          02 September 2011
Camera-ready version:   October 2011
Publication:            November 2011

Guest Editors 
Fabian Abel 
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 

Laura Hollink 
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 

Geert-Jan Houben 
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 

Guest Editorial Board
- Lora Aroyo (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
- Bettina Berendt (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
- Dan Brickley (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
- Francesca Carmagnola (University of Torino, Italy)
- Federica Cena (University of Torino, Italy)
- Vania Dimitrova (University of Leeds, UK)
- Olaf Hartig (Humboldt-Universiaet zu Berlin, Germany)
- Eelco Herder (L3S Research Center, Germany)
- Andreas Hotho (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)
- Vera Hollink (CWI Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Daniel Krause (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
- Knud Moeller (DERI/NUIG, Ireland)
- Claudia Mueller-Birn (FU Berlin, Germany)
- Andreas Nauerz (IBM Research, Germany)
- Alexandre Passant (DERI, Ireland)
- Matthew Rowe (The Open University, UK)
- Ansgar Scherp (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
- Sergej Sizov (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
- David Vallet (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)

Received on Thursday, 28 July 2011 07:16:20 UTC