Re: Pre-Telecon Introductions


My name is Yuk Hui, from the centre of cultural studies and department of
computing, goldsmiths, university of an engineer, i have been
working on a tagging system for timebased multimedia for the metadata
project supported by Leverhulme trust, as a philosopher, I have been working
on contemplary german and french philosophy, I am very interested to see how
the "social" of the social web is defined and developed.

yuk hui

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Benjamin Nguyen <>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am Benjamin Nguyen, associate professor in databases at University
> of Versailles St-Quentin, France, and associate director of the CS
> department. I specialise in (distributed) XML databases and their web
> applications and have been working for several years now with
> sociologists (from universities in Paris and Aix-en-Provence) on
> "formal" mailing lists and web standardization. Our project is called
> WebStand [1].
> My other current focus is that of data privacy in large scale applications.
> I am convinced that many interesting database issues will arise within
> the social web, and social web applications, and I would like to have
> a close look at them.
> Kind regards,
> BN
> [1] WebStand reference page :

Received on Monday, 4 May 2009 10:27:21 UTC