- From: Alexandre Passant <Alexandre.Passant@deri.org>
- Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 19:22:18 -0700
- To: foaf-dev Friend of a <foaf-dev@lists.foaf-project.org>, sioc-dev@googlegroups.com, online-presence@googlegroups.com, public-social-web-talk@w3.org
(apologies for cross-posting) ======================================================================== *Second Call For Papers* AND *Deadline Extension* Important Dates: ================ * Submission: WAS June 10th NOW *June 26th* * Notification to authors: July 17th * Camera ready: July 31st ======================================================================== The MALLOW Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent systems in On-line Communities (COIN) http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/coin-at-mallow-2009/ Torino, IT, 7th - 11th September, 2009 Aims and Scope: The COIN workshop series brings together the topics of coordination, organization, institutions and norms in the context of multi-agent systems. These topics have become an established area of agent research and a significant number of influential papers on these topics have been appearing in AAMAS and other agent conferences and workshops in recent years. The series of COIN workshops are thus aimed at consolidating and expanding the subject by providing focused events in which researchers from different communities participate. For this edition of COIN, the focus is on how COIN topics influence and are realized in on-line communities, where it is necessary to take into account social, legal, economic and technological dimensions of agent-agent, agent-human, human-human interactions in order to ensure social order within these environments. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of such communities, combined with their potential dissimilarity to conventional human social structures - which means that simply transporting existing conventions does not necessarily work - and the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats posed by alternative interaction modalities deriving from the different physics of virtual environments, leads to the exploration and establishment of new normative frameworks that do not necessarily have parallels in the physical world but are well reflected in "made natures" such as the Web. Such frameworks are not only interesting for the agent community but also have attracted interest of the Semantic Web Community in events such as the recent W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking (http://www.w3.org/2008/09/msnws/)). We seek contributions that address, model, analyse and/or enable (but not-exclusively!) such issues and look forward to a highly interactive, convivial meeting. Consequently, relevant topics - tuned to the workshop theme - include: * Ontologies, methodologies, tools and standards for multi-agent systems * Social science background for multi-agent systems: Roles, authority, motivation, social power and other social relationships and attitudes * Languages for norms and policies: expressiveness vs. efficiency * Electronic institutions and virtual organizations * Coordination and interaction conventions, technologies and artifacts. * Institutional aspects of peer to peer interactions * Dynamic, adaptive and emergent organizational structures * Issues in the dynamics of norms and policies (creation, evolution, change, disappearance) * Simulation, analysis and verification of Online Communities as multi-agent systems * Parallels and differences of multi-agent systems and Online Communities We particularly encourage authors to submit innovative and original papers that report on: * Software frameworks, tools, and methodologies * Applications, case studies, and experimental work * Formal and theoretical models Papers describing ongoing work and position papers are also welcome. Venue: ====== The workshop will be part of this year's Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations federated Workshops, MALLOW 2009 and will take place at Educatorio della Providenza. Full details are available at http://www.di.unito.it/~baroglio/MALLOW_EASSS09/MALLOW.html. The MALLOW 2009 format will allow us to host a two-day meeting with longer presentations, round tables and discussions that were a feature of the previous MALLOW edition of COIN, in contrast to the compressed schedule when associated with large international conferences.. Proceedings: ============ Preliminary proceedings will be available at the workshop. As with previous COIN workshops, revised and extended versions of the papers of the three 2009 workshops will be published in a single Springer LNCS volume. Those revised versions must take into account the discussion held during the workshop, hence, only those papers that are presented during the workshop will be considered for inclusion in the post-proceedings volume. Preparation and submission of papers: ===================================== Although the post-proceedings will be published in Springer LNCS, the preliminary proceedings will follow a different format, namely IEEE Transactions. For preparation of papers to be submitted please use the styles for LaTeX and BibTex and the documentation at the following address: http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/. The length of each paper including figures and references may not exceed 6 pages in this format. All papers must be written in English and submitted in PDF format. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present the work. To submit a paper follow the link below: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=coinatmallow2009 Organization: ============= Program Committee: ------------------ * Alexander Artikis * Sšren Auer * Guido Boella * Frances Brazier * Dan Brickley * John Breslin * Antonio Carlos Costa * Stephen Cranefield * Harry Halpin * Jomi Fred Hubner * Lloyd Kamara * Eric Matson * Pablo Noriega * Eamonn O'Neill * Alexandre Passant * Jeremy Pitt * Juan Antonio Rodriguez Aguilar * Sascha Ossowski * Sebastian Schaffert * Jaime Sichman * Maarten Sierhuis * Kostas Stathis * Harko Verhagen * Niek Wijngaards Workshop Chairs: ---------------- Axel Polleres, Digital Enterprise Research Institute National University of Ireland, Galway e-mail: axel.polleres [at] deri.org Julian Padget, Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK e-mail: jap [at] cs.bath.ac.uk COIN Steering Committee: ------------------------ Guido Boella (University of Torino, Italy) Olivier Boissier (ENS Mines Saint-Etienne, France) Nicoletta Fornara (University of Lugano, Italy) Christian Lemaître (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico) Eric Matson (Purdue University, USA) Pablo Noriega (IIIA-CSIC, Spain) Sascha Ossowski (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain) Julian Padget (University of Bath, UK) Jeremy Pitt (Imperial College London, UK) Jaime Sichman (University of São Paulo, Brazil) Wamberto Vasconcelos (University of Aberdeen, UK) Javier Vazquez Salceda (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain) George Vouros (University of the Aegean, Greece) -- Alexandre Passant Digital Enterprise Research Institute National University of Ireland, Galway :me owl:sameAs <http://apassant.net/alex> .
Received on Thursday, 18 June 2009 02:23:13 UTC