Note: Cc'ing public-social-web-talk no longer necessary for Social Web XG

Quick note -

   Looking at the archives for "" [1],
I've noticed for the last month almost all messages have been directly
from the "". While we've done a pretty good
job cc'ing, the Social Web XG is open to all via the Invited Expert
process, and we've given everyone about a month to sign up as an
invited expert or member representative for the Social Web XG, so I do
not believe it is necessary for the XG to cc all its communication to
the public-social-web-talk list from hereon.

   However, feel free to continue using
for general discussion about the Social Web! And if you have any
questions or want to join the Social Web XG, just ping me or visit the
web-page, which has Invited Expert forms linked to the front-page.


Received on Monday, 1 June 2009 20:37:10 UTC