Re: Identity Fragmentation and sensitivity to access by unknown users among Adult Social Networking users

Le vendredi 23 janvier 2009 à 12:43 +0100, Tim Anglade a écrit :
> Outside of just the reports, I think interesting links like those who  
> have started flying around on the mailing need a decent place to be  
> shared and stored on. Maybe we could set up a daringfireball-like  
> linked-list system [1] somewhere? Does the W3C usually use such  
> technology?

Some W3C groups use existing external services (à la delicious /
magnolia), some use chumpbot on their IRC channels to log these kind of

I think any of these solutions is fine, at least on a short term basis;
over time, we may want to look at a more stable solution (through a
blog, a wiki, ... maintained at W3C).

> This email is:  [ ] bloggable   [ ] ask first   [X] private

Really :)? 


Received on Friday, 23 January 2009 12:40:25 UTC