RE: Social Web XG launches: Intro to W3C

Interesting links, Harry; thanks.  (Albeit a bit dated, as you said)

I suggest you use some part of your first meeting(s) to introduce new folks to how we use IRC ("Internet Relay Protocol", aka group chat) in the W3C.  One misses out a lot of what goes on in a meeting if not simultaneously logged into IRC.

Someone in another working group found this web-based IRC tool, which works great in my experience:

On this page: .. put:

NICK = what ever online name you want to use for yourself
CHANNEL = whatever acronym the group decides to use (something like #swxg)
... click "Go", and you'll be chatting

I presume W3C oldtimers will introduce IRC meeting commands such as /me, q+, ack ... etc.

Good luck!  -- Ann

Ann Bassetti
Associate Technical Fellow
Boeing Information Technology
Computing and Network Operations
Collaboration Services
mobile:  +

From: [] On Behalf Of Harry Halpin
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 6:30 PM
To: public-social-web-talk
Subject: Social Web XG launches: Intro to W3C

As you may have noticed, we had our charter approved and the W3C Social Web XG has officially launched [1]. Thanks for all the work so far, we've only just begun!

A questionnaire that helps us determine our telecon times, as well as Invited Expert information, will be sent out shortly. I'm hoping to have our first teleconference as soon as possible. I'm personally thinking not this week, but the following week, may be possible.

However, I'm aware that many people on this list are new to the W3C. Don't worry, it's quite a nice group of people with a well-defined process that has helped build standards like XML. DanBri has found some great links on "Intro" to the W3C. In particular, Simon St. Laurent's "An Outsider's Guide to the  W3C" is pretty informative:

For those wishing for a bird's eye view of Simon's document, Dick Baldwin's introduction is useful:

Note that both documents are somewhat dated, and the W3C is working hard to improve both ability for non-members to participate, which I think the Social Web XG can be a great example of this openness in action.


Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 18:51:32 UTC