Re: Invited expert - Change of policy?

On 7 Apr 2009, at 10:54, Harry Halpin wrote:

> The solution is simple: Everyone becomes an "Invited Expert" and  
> agrees to the XG Charter policy.
> However, this would require everyone who participates in the public  
> list-serv or who speaks at the telecon to sign up to be an Invited  
> Expert first, and would require explicit banning of everyone who  
> does not sign up as an Invited Expert from the list-serv. That sort  
> of list-serv and telecon does not seem very public or open to me.

No, that is not what I said Harry. Nobody is banned from anything ;-)

It's very simple....instead of the public sending an email to " 
" and *bypassing* the Charter Policy, they simply fill in a form  
(name, email, company), click the "agree" check box" and they auto- 
join both lists.

The advantage of this is that everyone is "equal" - there will be no   
questions like "are you an invited expert?" or "just a public  
participant?" when discussing contributions towards deliverables.

BTW, the HTML WG has 255 Invited Experts and followed the same process.

Currently, the public needs to fill in this form to get a W3C account:

Then fill in this form to join the XG:
  <>  (Note: W3C account need to  
access this URL)

Perhaps W3C can streamline that into one simpler form?

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 06:09:12 UTC