Re: meeting tomorrow? Jan 14

Larry, you make me smile!   Sorry, I forgot this was an 'off' week.  I'll still dial on, if anyone wants to chat. See you next time!

Ann Bassetti
From: Larry Hawes
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:11 PM
To: Bassetti, Ann
Subject: Re:meeting tomorrow? Jan 14

Hi Ann,

Call me square then. 😉  Sorry, but I can't make a meeting tomorrow. I scheduled something else because this would normally be an off-week for the IG. I hope you end up with some folks to converse with.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Larry Hawes, Principal
Dow Brook Advisory Services<>
P: 978-238-8534


---- On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:53:43 -0500 wrote ----

Hello All –

I am awaiting approval  from my new manager, to confirm that I can chair this group. (Mainly I need him to approve the travel commitments!)

Although I would rather have a co-chair, I know many of you are inhibited by the rule that one must be a W3C member. If my manager gives me the green light, I will volunteer to chair – presuming all of you actively help to develop the agenda, maintain the wiki, and etc.  I know I will be too busy to do an adequate job of all that on my own.  Besides, being in a team, implies *team work*!!

In the meantime, I suggest we have our meeting tomorrow. Let's at least informally review our status on the various projects, and what our immediate next steps should be.  Otherwise it feels like we are losing too much ground.

I know it's late to be suggesting this, thus it might be hard for many to say yay or nay on attendance.  I will dial in at our regular meeting time tomorrow, and chat with whomever else is online.  Be there or be square!  :-)

  -- Ann

Ann Bassetti

The Boeing Company

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 08:06:22 UTC