Re: do types influence behavior?

On 02/11/2015 06:10 PM, Erik Wilde wrote:
> hello bill.
> thanks for your response!
> On 2015-02-11 8:36 , Bill Looby wrote:
>> I believe Activity Streams 1.0 at one stage allowed multiple verbs which
>> addressed the issue below fairly simply but provided other complications
>> (and so was removed). With json-ld types, the association is not held in
>> the data itself so it's more complex to process. Definitely think this
>> is an important story.
> thanks and yes, to me that would be an interesting aspect of how my API
> behaves. this is not making any claims as to how i can filter through
> the API (which may be out of scope for the spec/API), but in terms of
> behavior, this is a question that matters a lot for our scenarios.
> in AS2, there are different possibilities how this can play out:
> - we define the class relationship in the core vocabulary is meaningful
> for behavior and AS2 implementations must implement it that way, so
> whatever is a "like" has to treated in the same way as a "respond".
> - we define that class relationship in the core vocabulary is not
> meaningful for behavior and AS2 implementations must implement it that
> way, so whatever is a "like" is not a "respond". if a producer wants
> their "like" to be treated as a "repond", they have to label them both
> ways (i.e., give them two types).
> - it gets trickier for the "likealot" because we cannot assume that this
> verb is hardcoded into implementations. if we want it to be treated as a
> "like"/"respond", then we need to explain how that is supposed to happen
> in an ecosystem of AS implementations that we do not want to require to
> support JSON-LD and RDFS.

I still didn't have time to follow up with xAPI community. #OpenData
public transport dev sprint, which i participate in, ends this weekend
so I'll do that in next 2 weeks!
( - I could have put it
instead in IG tracker / Liaison TF which James chairs)

"A system reading a Statement MUST use the Verb IRI to infer meaning."

"Communities of practice will, at some point in time, need to establish
new Verbs to meet the needs of their constituency.

Therefore, it is expected that xAPI communities of practice generate
profiles, lists, and repositories that become centered on Verb
vocabularies. ADL is creating a companion document containing Verbs for
xAPI to serve the ADL Community."

+ our conversation on github in Open Badges repo (participating in W3C
Credentials CG)

I see some *real world* use cases there which can help us with keeping
our conversation constructive!

Received on Monday, 16 February 2015 09:53:58 UTC