Re: Type Chart for IG Use Cases

On 10/25/2014 07:03 AM, Lloyd Fassett wrote:
> All,
> I took a shot at categorizing the 18 Use Cases into types and came up
> with three types sharing  5 common attributes.  Perhaps the general
> homogeneity is because the list was started at Profile Use Cases so the
> types and attributes could be greater as more cases are added.
> I've had an issue with uploading a version to our Wiki though and
> believe I don't have the authority to do so.  I created it in Google
> Docs because my table and color skills are not there for wiki's. 
> Attached is a PDF version for those who would like to review.  If you'd
> like to comment, I suggest doing so in the thread of this e-mail since
> we are meeting on Monday anyway.  If needed I can incorporate the
> comments and generate a new version.
> I also attached a .docx version in case people want to go to town on it
> with edit and send in the thread.  I also added a link to the Google
> Docs version in the wiki even though I know some of you can not access
> Google Docs.

Great work!

I would like to look at ways of coordinating efforts among Use Case TF
and Vocabulary TF. For example I just added some suggestions of existing
open vocabularies to:

Preferably we could easily see at some point vocabularies recommended
for each use case and relevant use cases for each vocabulary...

Any suggestions how we could do that? I don't use MediaWiki that heavily
and don't know well its capacities :(


Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2014 13:08:20 UTC