THANK YOU, Ann! I will give a brief update on Use Case TF action items, but have no other agenda items.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Larry Hawes, Principal
Dow Brook Advisory Services
P: 978-238-8534
---- On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:36:07 -0500 Ann Bassetti <> wrote ----
I'd be happy to chair tomorrow. I need help with the agenda though. Ideas, Folks? -- Ann
From: Crawford, Mark []
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 7:19 AM
Subject: Social IG meeting 17 December
Dear all, based on discussions last week while I was out for shoulder surgery, we have a meeting scheduled for 17 December. I am on holiday, so we need a volunteer to chair. Please let me know if interested. Also, please submit proposed agenda items today.
Best Regards
Mark Crawford
Standards Strategist, P&I ASCOT – Standards Excellence
SAP Labs LLC, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 600, Washington D.C.
T +1 703 670 0920 M +1 703 485 5232