RE: Block Architecture

I'm in. I have a task to deliver an overall reference architecture here by the end of April as part of our strategy development, so we're starting to spend some energy in this area. I've recently met with a few other companies that might get involved in this (and hopefully our other work) such as WalMart.

Edward C. Krebs
Enterprise Architect, Advanced IT and Research
Enterprise Technologies
Ford Motor Company Information Technology
Quote of the day:
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." -- Alan Kay

From: Bassetti, Ann []
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 11:02 AM
To: Donald Buddenbaum; Crawford, Mark
Cc: ''
Subject: RE: Block Architecture

Sounds like a good idea!  I haven't looked at it in awhile.  As I recall, the next major step (beyond continuing to validate, refine and get agreement) is to identify any standards work (from anywhere) that is going on, per subject or technology.

-- Ann

From: Donald Buddenbaum []
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 6:04 AM
To: Crawford, Mark; Bassetti, Ann
Cc: ''
Subject: Block Architecture

Hi Ann and Mark, while we are waiting for the workshop details to firm up, and since we have essentially been looking at the block architecture as the basis for our (the SBCG) input, and revisions/action items to the architecture as the output.  What do you think about spending the next couple of calls looking at that document in preparation for the workshop?


Don Buddenbaum, STSM, FLMI, Chair W3C SBCG
Emerging Social Business Software Standards
IBM Software Group, Strategy
919.543.0346 t/l 441.0346<>

Received on Monday, 18 March 2013 19:57:00 UTC