meeting minutes from April 3 Social Business Community Group meeting

Social Business Community Group Meeting Minutes - April 3


Alberto Manuel
David Robinson
David Simpson
David Hablewitz
Lloyd Fassett
Ann Bassetti
Rch Rogers

Group charter ratified, 4 positive votes, no negative votes. Someone (David
H.?) stated that there are some typos in the charter that should be

Use Case Sample Document uploaded by Rich - Alberto had made improvement
suggestions which Rich incorporated into new version and uploaded last

Social Networking Headlights Project:

Our CG is reviewing the headlights "block diagram" document that David R.
posted, to provide feedback to the headlights project. Comments captured in
the meeting will be posted to the mailing list separately by Rich. All
please join in the dialogue on the mailing list and add additional comments
as you like.

Ann will post information re: the next headlights meeting in case any CG
members want to join.

Discussion about capturing social business use cases, which we've
identified as a deliverable from this CG, and using in the context of
vetting the headlights project block diagram document.

Ann will post Boeing document on their large enterprise view of social
business and their approach to social - this document was also shared with
the headlights project.

Someone ( Lloyd? ) will document and share an HR use case. All encouraged
to document and share their use cases.


Ann suggests use of an IRC chat for our next CG meeting.

Next meeting April 17 10:30 ET

Should we consider extending the meeting time beyond 30 minutes? Or leave
as is?

 Rich Rogers, Senior Technical Staff, CPHIMS        
 Healthcare Standards                               
 IBM Software Group                                 
 Research Triangle Park, NC, USA                    
 Phone: +1 919-543-8040                                                      
 Skype: rich_rogers                                 
 "It's all about the people."                       
 ”Make it happen.”                                  

Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2012 20:34:19 UTC