ACTION-247: Review testcases to remove or re-classify the testcases that are not required for compliance


Under Action-247 [1] I have reviewed the test suite for SOAP-JMS. All 
tests are already marked as "Optional" or "Required", which is good, but a 
few tests appear to be marked incorrectly.

test0008 is marked as Optional but I believe it should be marked as 
Required as the client will always have an environment in which it is 
running. However, if we decide this should remain Optional, then test0017 
should also become Optional as this test also requires the use of the 
client environment.

test0009 is marked as Required, but I believe it should be marked as Op
tional as it uses WSDL 1.1 properties like test0006 which is already 
marked as an Optional test.

test0010 is marked as Required, but I believe it should be marked as 
Optional as it uses WSDL 1.1 properties like test0006 which is already 
marked as an Optional test.

test0018 is marked as Required, but I believe it should be marked as 
Optional as it requires the use of a topic which I understand is Optional 
in the spec.

test0019 is marked as Required, but I believe it should be marked as 
Optional as it requires the use of a topic which I understand is Optional 
in the spec.

Kind Regards,



Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 16:19:38 UTC