ACTION-246: SOAP/JMS IBM WebSphere Message Broker Sample Conformance Report

To complete ACTION-246 [1] please see the following implementation
compliance test report, formatted per the proposal of 1st March [2]

You can read two things from this report
a) We haven't run the tests (indicated by the '?' results)
b) Some tests will not apply to the Broker (indicated by the 'na' results)



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# IBM WebSphere Message Broker,, Windows XP
# 2011/03/09
testname    result
test0001	?
test0002	?
test0101	?
test0102	?
test0003	?
test0004	?
test0005	?
test0006    na          # Uses WSDL 1.1 properties
test0007    na          # Uses WSDL 2.0 properties
test0008	?
test0009    na          # Uses WSDL 1.1 properties
test0010    na          # Uses WSDL 1.1 properties
test0011	?
test0012	?
test0013    na          # Uses WSDL 1.1 properties
test0014    na          # Uses WSDL 1.1 properties
test0015    na          # Uses WSDL 2.0 properties
test0016    na          # Uses WSDL 2.0 properties
test0017	?
test0018    na          # Uses Topic destination
test0019	?         # text message
test0020    na          # Uses jms:queue: URI
test1001	?
test1101	?
test1002	?
test1102	?
test1003	?
test1103	?
test1004	?
test1104	?
test1005	?
test1105	?
test1006	?
test1106	?
test1007	?
test1107	?
test1008	?
test1108	?
test1009	?
test1109	?

Mark Phillips. DE2Q16. IBM WebSphere MQ Development. (bluepages entry)

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 14:59:42 UTC