ISSUE-22 (mphillip): Errors in Appendix C2 - MTOM example [SOAP-JMS Binding specification]

ISSUE-22 (mphillip): Errors in Appendix C2 - MTOM example [SOAP-JMS Binding specification]

Raised by: Mark Phillips
On product: SOAP-JMS Binding specification

In the second table in in Appendix C2, SOAPJMS_contentType row, value column, the boundary value is incorrect.  It should not begin with the double hyphen (this is added when the message is constructed).  In the same row, the comments are also inaccurate because, when using MTOM, the sender or receiver are not aware of attachments (MTOM is an attachment on the wire, but not in the programming model).


multipart/related type="application/xop+xml"; boundary="--MIME_boundary"

multipart/related type="application/xop+xml"; boundary="MIME_boundary"

and replace: 

inferred from the SOAP Envelope and presence attachments. In this case it is SOAP 1.2


inferred from the SOAP Envelope and use of MTOM. In this case it is SOAP 1.2

Received on Monday, 25 January 2010 17:18:49 UTC