NEW ISSUE: Normative statements 3001, 3002, 3003 overlap and/or are redundant


Normative statement 3001:
"Various JMS properties described in the SOAP/JMS binding specification
may be set in three places in the WSDL — the binding, the service, and
the port. Values specified at the service will propagate to all
ports/endpoints. Values specified at the binding will propagate to all
ports/endpoints using that binding."

(Note that the above has no RFC 2119 keywords used appropriately)

Normative statement 3002:
"If a property is specified at multiple levels, the most specific
setting MUST take precedence (port first, then service, then binding)."

Normative statement 3003:
"Properties expressed in the URI [IETF RFC 3987] MUST override any
values set in the markup as described above."

>From the above, 3001 indicates how values propagate (binding, service,
port), 3002 indicates which ones take priority (port, service, binding),
and then 3003 throws the URI into the mix (URI, port, service, binding).

This boils down to three normative statements about almost exactly the
same thing, which is confusing and redundant.


Section 3.4.4:


"Various JMS properties described in the SOAP/JMS binding specification
may be set in three places in the WSDL — the binding, the service, and
the port. Values specified at the service will propagate to all
ports/endpoints. Values specified at the binding will propagate to all
ports/endpoints using that binding.† For example, the
jndiInitialContextFactory may be indicated for a wsdl11:service, and it
is then implied for all of the contained wsdl11:port elements.

If a property is specified at multiple levels, the most specific setting
MUST take precedence (port first, then service, then binding). †"

--- with ---

Various JMS properties described in the SOAP/JMS binding specification
can be set in four places in the WSDL — the binding, the service, the
port, and the URI for the port. Values specified at the service will
propagate to all ports/endpoints. Values specified at the binding will
propagate to all ports/endpoints using that binding. For example, the
jndiInitialContextFactory may be indicated for a wsdl11:service, and it
is then implied for all of the contained wsdl11:port elements.

If a property is specified at multiple levels, the most specific setting
MUST take precedence (URI first, then port, then service, then binding). †


In addition, remove the normative statement 3003:
"Properties expressed in the URI [IETF RFC 3987] MUST override any
values set in the markup as described above.†"


Note that the above collapses three normative statements into one.

Received on Monday, 26 October 2009 21:58:42 UTC