ACTION-37 Write up how to indicate use of text message in WSDL.

Attached in the suggested write-up


To summarize:


Section 3.6 Properties is renamed to Section 3.6 Extensions


There are 2 tables versus 1. 


I also noticed going through the specs that Section 2.2.3 notes that
soapjms:targetService is marked "optional in IRI". As I recall Eric's
conversations I believe that this is a WSDL only extension. FYI the IRI
spec does not mention the targetService so something is inconsistent.


Finally, I notice that targetService is missing from the list of WSDL
extensions in 3.8, in my attachment you'll see I've added in to the
first table.



Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2008 15:30:40 UTC