- From: Amelia A Lewis <alewis@tibco.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:23:31 -0400
- To: SoAP/JMS (list) <public-soap-jms@w3.org>
Heylas, Okay, Phil, Eric, Roland and I have been engaged in trying to work out a strategy that we all agree upon, with some, but not complete success. The chief area where we are incompletely in agreement is in how to "instrument" testing. JAX-WS does not provide access to underlying transports; consequently, testing for JAX-WS based implementations seems as though it may need to be restricted to "opposite side". That is, we would supply a bare-JMS implementation that lives on the service side, and evaluate the messages received from the service consumer, or a bare-JMS implementation that lives on the consumer side, and evaluate the messages received from the service. Another option proposed was that we write a JMS SPI (without a network component), and hook up vendor stacks on top of that SPI implementation. Feedback and comments (or an alternative solution!) would be very valuable, here. In terms of evaluating the messages, we seem to be largely agreed that we can define (via some form of XML schema; I can supply a draft of a Relax-NG schema on request) 'message' in its context, corresponding to javax.jms.Message and the interesting surrounding bits. Each test case then is composed of one or more instance documents representing the messages in canonical form. A Java implementation of "MessageParser" would be able to generate canonical form of a message from javax.jms.Message and friends. A MessageComparator (if needed) would then verify that they match. This covers the SOAP-only implementations, which is one profile. That leaves us to test SOAP+WSDL implementations. Here, it is suggested that what we do is examine the messages produced by a stack provisioned with a WSDL (so, effectively, we re-use the testing technologies outlined above). Cheap, easy, reuses effort, and separates the SOAP from SOAP+WSDL profiles. Phil, Eric, Roland ... if we need clarification, or if I've misspoken, please speak up. Amy! -- Amelia A. Lewis Senior Architect TIBCO/Extensibility, Inc. alewis@tibco.com
Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2008 16:24:15 UTC