Re: PR draft status etc - text needed

Pretty please?  Just need abstracts (if they changed) and Status sections.

Best Regards, John

Street address: 2455 South Road, P328 Poughkeepsie, NY USA 12601
Voice: 1+845-435-9470      Fax: 1+845-432-9787

John Arwe/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS
01/27/2009 05:12 PM
PR draft status etc - text needed
Sent by:

Editors, I need the usual boilerplate front matter for the transition 
request, the same sort of thing we've needed in the past.  If someone 
could send that text before Thursday's meeting, I'd appreciate it.  I hope 
to review the Request with the wg during this week's meeting.  It needs to 
be "pretty close" but can still change later if needed.  Thanks... 

Best Regards, John

Street address: 2455 South Road, P328 Poughkeepsie, NY USA 12601
Voice: 1+845-435-9470      Fax: 1+845-432-9787

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2009 01:47:15 UTC