See also: IRC log
<scribe> Scribe: Jordan Boucher
<scribe> ScribeNick: Jordan
John: proposal to cancel next weeks teleconf
Resolution: cancel next week, 5/8/2008
Resolution: 4-24 minutes approved
John: summary, but nothing new
Pratul: work on it next week
<pratul> I need to step out for a while - will be back soon
John: summarizes latest comments
from Henry
... believes that Sandy and Kumar may have an understanding of
the comments now (others may not know schema deep enough)
<johnarwe> Kumar: sml constraints should always have [val attempted] true, so either [val] either true or false
<johnarwe> but [val] has more than two possible values in schema
<johnarwe> Sandy: think we can have [val attempted] false because of schema wildcard processing
<johnarwe> Sandy: sml constraints attached to schema components can be skipped
<johnarwe> Sandy: for target * and acyclic sml constraints to function, you have to have established a relationship between instance content and schema components w/ sml constraints attached
<johnarwe> sandy: I think that means our constraints will not change the value of [validation attempted] from schema, but there might be strange cases that might. If sml derefs into or checks acyclic for an element that was skipped by schema, does that change [val attempted]?
<johnarwe> Sandy: [val attempted] in schema has the values none, full, partial
John: proposal to move 5519 to needsAgreement
Resolution: make it so (Kumar updating the bug to reflect this decision)
John: notes a bit of a process
hole - resolved bugs that get comments don't show up on our
normal work queue
... may need two new keywords to properly track bugs
... one to track bugs originated from outside the working
... another to track whether consensus was reached with the
outside party
... any objections to adding this process change?
... sounds like consensus from the group
... how about "external" for the first concept?
Kumar: looking at existing keywords - found externalComment and reviewerSatisfied
John: also see reviewerNotSatisfied - do we need that too?
Resolution: use the existing keywords for this purpose
<scribe> ACTION: Pratul to review the existing keywords and update process for how SML WG will use them [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-183 - Review the existing keywords and update process for how SML WG will use them [on Pratul Dublish - due 2008-05-08].
<johnarwe> 5546
Resolution: please add keywords externalComment and reviewerNotSatisfied to 5546
Resolution: mark 5653 needsAgreement
Kirk: explained the issues, but
no proposal yet
... move to needsAgreement
John: any objections?
Resolution: make it so
John: any objections to move to needsAgreement
Resolution: make it so
John: not sure why decided is
still on this one, perhaps remove it?
... mark it externalComment as well
... propose remove decided - any objections?
... propose to add externalComment - any objections?
Resolution: both proposals accepted by wg concensus
<scribe> ACTION: Kumar to work with Pratul to iterate the draft of the note for 5561 [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-184 - Work with Pratul to iterate the draft of the note for 5561 [on Kumar Pandit - due 2008-05-08].
John: do not see a proposal - looks like needsAgreement - any objections?
Resolution: make it so
<johnarwe> 5283
<johnarwe> Interchange Model - An interchange model is an SML model [SML 1.1] being
<johnarwe> interchanged.
John: proposal to fix per comment #7, bullet 3. - any objections?
<johnarwe> An SML-IF document is an XML document that contains the set of documents that represent an interchange model .See [ 5.1 Conformance Criteria ].
<johnarwe> revised wording based on discussion:
<johnarwe> interchange model as in comment 7 #3
<johnarwe> (dashed bullet 1)
<johnarwe> smlif doc: - An SML-IF document is a XML representation of an interchange model. It
<johnarwe> includes the model's identity, its documents (by value or by reference),
<johnarwe> metadata about its documents, and a syntactic representation of concepts
<johnarwe> defined as part of an SML model but lacking an SML-defined sytnax (e.g. rule
<johnarwe> bindings).
<johnarwe> the latter def is == 5283 coment 7 #3 dashed bullet 2, replacing "syntactic" with "XML"
John: any objections (once again)?
Resolution: make it so - mark editorial, no needsReview, fix per above
John: propose remove needsReview - any objections?
Resolution: remove needsReview, add needsAgreement
ACTION MSM to review 5541 comment #8 and verify if it belongs or to 5519
<scribe> ACTION: MSM to review 5541 comment #8 and verify if it belongs there or to 5519 [recorded in]
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-185 - Review 5541 comment #8 and verify if it belongs there or to 5519 [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-05-08].
John: any further time needed? any comments?
Kirk: recalls previous discussion, ok with it now
Julia: need more time
Sandy: need more time as well
Last Scribe Date Member Name Regrets pending 2008-03-13 Gao, Sandy 5/8 2008-04-01 Wilson, Kirk 5/8 5/15 5/22 2008-04-02 Smith, Virginia 2008-04-02 Eckert, Zulah 5/8 2008-04-10 Lynn, James 5/8 2008-04-17 McCarthy, Julia 5/8 2008-04-24 Kumar, Pandit 2008-05-01 Boucher, Jordan 5/8 Exempt Arwe, John 5/8 Exempt Dublish, Pratul Exempt MSM Exempt PH[End of minutes]