W3C SML Teleconference of 2008-06-19

19 Jun 2008

See also: IRC log


Julia, johnarwe, Kirk, pratul, kumar, ginny, jim, Sandy
John Arwe
Julia McCarthy




<scribe> scribenick: Julia

<scribe> scribe: Julia McCarthy

<MSM-EDI> johnarwe, sorry, my machine is here and my body is here and the network is here, but my brain is apparently hovering over iceland

<MSM-EDI> so my regrets for today's cal

<johnarwe> agenda is at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2008Jun/0044.html

Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s)

<johnarwe> 6/12 minutes

RESOLUTION: minutes from 6/12/2008 approved as a true record of the meeting

"from the CG"

John: We have "dibs" on the beginning of the week of Oct 27, should we be asked to move by the CG

Action Items

Pratul: no update

John: MSM said last week he expects to post something on his action items before the f2f


John: Is there any objection to text in comment #4 with the exception of that noted in comment #6

no objections

John: any objections to the amendment noted in comment #6

RESOLUTION: replace the words "For example" with the words "That is". Remove needsReview keyword. Editors can close after making update.


RESOLUTION: Close as duplicate of 5720 as proposed by originator of 5710. Remove keywords.


RESOLUTION: Add "global" as proposed. Mark editorial.


John: objections to the changes Kumar suggests for comments #2 and #3?

No objections - after discussion

John: any objections to the changes proposed in comments #4

Kumar and Ginny: "are used" would make this clearer

<ginny> based on the set of SML reference schemes they understand and which *are* used in the model they process

<ginny> based on the set of SML reference schemes they understand and *which are* used in the model they process

RESOLUTION: Make the changes suggested in #2 and #3. Make the change described in comment #4. Instead of the change suggested in #5 make the change typed by ginny above in the irc window. Mark editorial.


<johnarwe> f these references are allowed to be relative references, i.e. they are not already target-complete, then some implementation-dependent base URI or IRI is used to resolve them to URIs or IRIs. (See section 5 of [IETF RFC 3986] and section 6.5 of [IETF RFC 3987].)

John: According to bug 5545 we should not name the RFC (as shown in change 2)

Kumar: agrees with changes except for reference to RFC.

John: Let editors remove reference to RFC 3986

Kumar: points out that 2a is not defined in the RFC. After some discussion he agrees it is there in a sense.

RESOLUTION: Fix as described in comment except remove reference to RFC 3986. Mark editorial, remove hasProposal.


RESOLUTION: Make changes as described. Mark editorial.


John: proposal (paraphrasing what he thinks Ginny said) - make 7.1 non-normative, since it adds nothing new in a normative sense..."just" best practice tips.

ginny: proposal - remove section 7.1

Kumar: modify message in second example so the message can actually be used outside of schematron assert. Work on this in email.

Ginny: questions the use of deref(.) in the variable

John: Let's use email to flush out changes that Kumar and Ginny want.

<scribe> ACTION: Kumar initiate discussion of 5680 changes in public email [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/19-sml-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-196 - Initiate discussion of 5680 changes in public email [on Kumar Pandit - due 2008-06-26].


RESOLUTION: Mark as Fixed, Resolved.

Clear out keywords.


John: any comments, questions, objections to changes in comment #6

none noted

John: any objections to proposed changes in comment #8

none noted

RESOLUTION: Mark editorial. Fix per comment #8. Remove needsReview.


<scribe> ACTION: Virginia make a proposal based on the discussion of 5760 for Tuesday next week at the F2F. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/19-sml-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-197 - Make a proposal based on the discussion of 5760 for Tuesday next week at the F2F. [on Virginia Smith - due 2008-06-26].

<johnarwe> 5638


<johnarwe> 6.3.2 bullet 2

<johnarwe> editor's draft: If a complex type D is derived by restriction or extension from {base type definition} B and if B has Schematron constraints defined on it then they are automatically copied to D and unioned with the Schematron constraints defined on D.

<johnarwe> proposal (replace Schematron constraints w {rules} 2x): If a complex type D is derived by restriction or extension from {base type definition} B and if B has {rules} defined on it then they are automatically copied to D and unioned with the {rules} defined on D.

<johnarwe> proposal (prev + Sandy's notion of superset): If a complex type D is derived by restriction or extension from {base type definition} B and if B has {rules} defined on it then D's {rules} are a superset of B's {rules}.

RESOLUTION: Fix per first proposal noted by John in irc at [15:16]. Change needsAgreement to editorial.


Ginny: OK with proposal 1 in comment #2. Prefers to leave out first 3 bullets from proposal 2 in comment #2. bullets 4 & 5 are ok.

RESOLUTION: Fix per proposal 1 in comment #2 and per bullets 4 & 5 of proposal 2 of comment #2 (leaving out bullets 1-3). Mark editorial. No need to review.


Kumar: would like more time to look at this

<pratul> I need to step out - will be back in 5 mins

<Kirk> Unfortunately, someone is trying to call me from England. I have to get off. See in Edinburgh on Monday.

<pratul> I am back

<scribe> ACTION: Kumar create a proposal for 5740. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/19-sml-minutes.html#action03]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-198 - Create a proposal for 5740 for Tuesday next week. [on Kumar Pandit - due 2008-06-26].


Defer until Kirk is here. Discuss Tuesday next week.


<johnarwe> (Ginny was also not ready for 5653 today)

<Kirk> RE: 5653. Thanks. I do want to give John a grammar lesson RE point 6.

John: Can anyone articulate a concrete problem around the phrase "SML constraint"?

none noted

<Sandy> +1 to worksforme

RESOLUTION: Close bug as "no fix required". Mark resolved as worksforme.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Kumar create a proposal for 5740. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/19-sml-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Kumar initiate discussion of 5680 changes in public email [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/19-sml-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Virginia make a proposal based on the discussion of 5760 for Tuesday next week at the F2F. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/19-sml-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Last Scribe Date        Member Name               Regrets pending 
2008-05-15              Smith, Virginia     
2008-05-22              Lynn, James               
2008-05-29              Wilson, Kirk             
2008-06-05              Gao, Sandy                 
2008-06-12              Kumar, Pandit 
2008-06-19              McCarthy, Julia           
Exempt                  Arwe, John                 
Exempt                  Dublish, Pratul 
Exempt                  MSM 
Exempt                  PH 

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