See also: IRC log
<pratul> Agenda at
<scribe> Scribe: Jordan Boucher
<scribe> ScribeNick: Jordan
Resolution: minutes from 11/19 and 11/12 are approved
ginny questions about xpath1 vs. smlxpath1, kumar to send link as answer
<MSM> A FunctionCall expression is evaluated by using the FunctionName to identify a function in the expression evaluation context function library
<MSM> -XPath 1.0, section 3.2
Resolution: as per comment #5, and clarify that the deref() function is not in the expression evaluation context function library for smlxpath1 expressions
Ginny: take Kumar's proposal in view of her examples and see if it works
Kumar: proposes to not allow
assertions on local elements
... the original submission did not allow
<MSM> the schema has:
<MSM> top level E of type T1
<MSM> top level type T1
<MSM> top level type T2
<MSM> T2 has a local element declaration for E
<MSM> T1 has a reference to the top level E
<MSM> <e><e/></e>
<MSM> E ::= E*
Kumar and MSM to discuss further offline
title is confusing, see comment #2
Kumar: proposes to not fix
Resolution: do not implement
proposal in comment #2
... do implement proposal in comment #5
... mark bug as editorial
Last Scribe Date Member Name Regrets pending 2007-08-30 Lipton, Paul until mid-December 2007 2007-10-15 Waschke, Marvin 2007-10-17 Eckert, Zulah 2007-10-17 Kumar, Pandit 2007-11-01 Gao, Sandy 2007-11-08 Smith, Virginia 2007-11-12 Wilson, Kirk 2007-11-15 Lynn, James 2007-11-19 Valentina Popescu 2007-11-26 Boucher, Jordan Exempt Arwe, John Exempt Dublish, Pratul Exempt MSM Exempt PH[End of minutes]
Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.128 (CVS log)
$Date: 2007/11/26 22:08:37 $