Hybrid meeting the 18th of March [via Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group]

Presentations of IoT Platforms by OS2 and ZettaScale

Just a heads up about the meeting of 18th March. This meeting we will get the following presentations:

OS2, OS2 styrker digitaliseringen i det offentlige Danmark,, presented by the OS2-fællesskabet from Denmark. OS2 is an IoT platform developed by several Danish municipalities in collaboration.
ZettaScale, from ZettaScale Technology, which built its IoT platform on Open Source from the Eclipse Foundation.

We conduct this meeting as a hybrid meeting. That is, with the possibility to participate both via Zoom and physically on site at the Internet Foundation's facility Goto 10 in Stockholm.
Zoom: https://iec.zoom.us/j/96221236876?pwd=VUkwdmlGbyt4T2wrOHNvMjdVNWVZZz09
Physical presence: Floor 1 , Gradängen, Goto 10, Internetstiftelsen, Hammarby Kaj 10D, 120 07 Stockholm. Goto 10 Stockholm | Goto 10
Please email me at tobbe@lahrin.se if you are attending in person, so I can plan for coffee and seats.  
Regardless, be most welcome either on Zoom or in person!


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'Hybrid meeting the 18th of March'


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Received on Thursday, 14 March 2024 12:41:12 UTC