Re: W3C Redesign: Initial survey results & our homework

Thanks Kelly, Will do, best wishes, Bev

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Kelly McCarthy <>wrote:

> Folks,
> Yesterday marked the end of the first week of survey data collection, and
> we've received 223 responses so far. Now, the fun begins! :)
> Ian will post the preliminary data exported from Survey Monkey to the list
> today, as well as the final results when the survey closes on May 30th.
> Our homework is to:
> *1) Review the survey & analytics data (sent yesterday) and make notes in
> the wiki on what the data is telling you about the audience, what users
> want and anything else of particular interest. *
> Please post your notes here:
> *2) Draft a paragraph outlining your high-level vision for the site
> redesign based** what you've learned from analytics, surveys and other
> discussions.*
> Please post that paragraph here:
> Feel free to get started right away or wait until all the results are in,
> but the *deadline for posting your notes to the wiki is June 4th.*
> Ian will be presenting to the membership at the AC Meeting the following
> week. His goal is to take all of our work into account in order to
> enlighten the members with what our task force has learned about our
> audiences and propose a high-level vision to transform the site to meet
> those needs/wants.
> Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks in advance for
> your participation.
> Cheers,
> Kelly
> ----
> Kelly McCarthy
> Co-Owner, Easy Designs, LLC <>
> +1 877.EASY.313 ext. 181
> +1 423.438.1253 fax
> <>@shirleytemper
> ----
> Easy Designs, LLC
> P.O. Box 4370
> Chattanooga, TN 37405

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 16:42:13 UTC