[Minutes] 14 May site redesign teleconference; notes on survey tweaks

Hi all,

Raw minutes from today's call on the Web:

Kelly, note the following wrt the survey:

 1) When question B depends on a particular answer to a preceding question A on the survey, 
      the preference expressed on the call was that if B is made relevant by A, B should appear
      on the next page, but with useful text to explain its relationship to A. 

  2) Some people who took the survey checked "Other" in the very first question without providing
      a comment in the associated comment box. The suggest is to make clearer in the text
      of the survey that the comment  box is REQUIRED when you check "Other". (This would be
      done every place where there's an "Other" option.)

  3) We discussed various places to announce the survey once it is available. Laura will share
       the URI with the IAI using text from W3C (e.g., from the home page news item).

We also started a discussion about "what the site could be" by talking briefly about sites
we should consider (whether to emulate or not to emulate). We did some high-level modeling
of what W3C provides and how to create a simple home page for it. This also prompted discussion
about the role of the home page in a world of search engines, and also data on the Web.

Next meeting: 21 May at 3:30pm ET (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE).

Thanks all!


Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>      http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel:                                          +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 22:14:15 UTC