[Publication] Agenda 12 March 2024, Week 1

Hi all,

The Publication subgroup will be meeting March 12, 2024, at 9AM Boston time (13 UTC).

Participants who registered via the survey have been invited to the meeting, if you’d like to join, please contact Wendy, Jaunita, or Kevin.

Chair: Jaunita


  *   Starting off publication discussion with some questions we think we need to answer to determine a path ahead:
     *   How do we get WCAG 3 out faster?
     *   What are the underlying concerns about transitioning from WCAG 2.x to 3?
     *   How does WCAG tie into its accompanying standards?
     *   Do we need to just put the requirements into a more user-friendly interface?
     *   Do we need a new conformance model or should we focus on progressive enhancements to the existing model?
  *   Future meeting dates

IRC: #wcag-publication

Wendy and Jaunita

Received on Friday, 8 March 2024 19:38:17 UTC